Sunday, April 12, 2009
Yoga Classes for Children
We don't generally consider children as having stressful lives, but when you think about how busy they are and we are as well, always rushing around to school, sports, lessons and so on, we can begin to realise that they are under major pressure. This can definitely have a negative effect on their lives in many areas.
If you closely watch your children when they are playing and being silly, you too will notice some basic yoga postures, or asanas that children do naturally. The most obvious is the child's pose. Another pose you may see a child take is the Downward facing dog, or to squat very low to the ground. Because children are naturally flexible and open-minded yoga is an ideal form of physical activity that will suit them.
Yoga Classes for Children that take this multi-disciplinary approach are certainly an excellent learning experience. Kids are provided with the opportunity to explore their innate abilities across many planes: linguistic, logical, visual, musical, kinesthetic, naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal.
The great challenge in teaching kids is to be able to hold their attention. Fortunately, kids love to be in motion and they love to talk. They can do both of these in a yoga class and they will love playing like various animals, trees, flowers, cobras and warriors. The instructor should allow them to let go and roar in the lion pose, bark in the dog pose, meow in a cat stretch and hiss like a cobra.
In Yoga Classes for Children lessons can be integrated as well. Narrating their ABC's or practicing counting their 123's can be a lot of fun while holding a pose. Children love the release of making sounds and their yoga classes will allow them to connect an auditory experience to a physical sensation. Providing a responsive, creative and loving environment in a yoga class will help children to discover the world on their own and is an optimal method for instruction. Their minds can be engaged as they perform animal and nature asanas to deepen their awareness. When they're snakes, invite them to really imagine that they're just a long spine with no arms and legs. Could you still run or climb a tree? In Tree Pose, ask them to imagine being a giant oak, with roots growing out of the bottoms of their feet. Could you stay in the same position for 100 years?
Yoga classes for children provides benefits like: balance, flexibility, focus, peace, grace, connection, health and well-being can be imparted to children in an interactive and pleasurable way that create the foundation for a life-long practice. Children will be given the occasion to express themselves and learn important principles such as reverence for life and the interdependence of all beings.
Beginner Yoga Class Checklist
1. Nail down your goals and find the right style for you.
Everyone comes to yoga for different reasons. Sometimes these differences are slight, other times they’re vast.
For instance, are you interested in an intense physical workout to throbbing music, or are you on more of a spiritual path towards (quiet) enlightenment? Are you attracted to yoga because of its health benefits, and if so, is it physical or emotional health you are most interested in?
Are you interested in the philosophy and rich traditions of yoga, or are you on the other extreme and wouldn’t be caught dead reciting a mantra?
Whatever your personal needs and proclivities, there’s a yoga for you. If several flavors of yoga are offered in your area, do your research online or in the library to find which style would be the best fit for you.
Once you know what it is you’re looking for, you can set some goals. Call the teacher of the beginner yoga class you’re considering and ask if your expectations are reasonable.
2. Choose a drop-in or series beginner yoga class
A drop-in yoga class allows you to pay-as-you go. There will likely be some turnover week to week as to which students show up for class. The teacher is likely to keep this class on the mild side, because students will be at such differing ability levels.
This may be just what you’re looking for if you just want a taste of yoga but don’t want to buy an expensive package of classes. This may also be a good choice for you if your schedule won’t allow you to attend a class every week. Keep in mind there are significant drawbacks.
One, because the class is ongoing, you will never get to start at “the beginning.” You may be a little lost at first while you learn the culture of the class. Also, drop-in beginner yoga classes tend to be repetitive.
A series yoga class is different in that you buy a set number of classes and each class builds on what you learned in the previous week. A good series class is repetitive only in that there is some review each time, but then the teacher introduces new material.
You can learn much more much faster in a series class, but again there are drawbacks. First, if you miss a class it may be difficult to make up the material that you missed. Also, you will be asked to pay for the whole series up front.
Take a look at your level of commitment, your schedule and your budget and decide whether a drop-in or a series class is better for your needs.
3. Make sure the teacher has adequate training.
Yoga is now a significant contributor to sports injuries. This can be attributed to two things: students pushing themselves too hard for perfection and inadequate training of instructors.
Don’t be shy in asking your potential instructor about their background. There are certifications for teaching “gym yoga” that an instructor can get in a long weekend. A three day training is just enough to make someone dangerous. That’s not to say that some of the people who start with such certifications don’t turn out to be excellent instructors by dedicating themselves to practice and increasing their knowledge over the course of months and years.
There are of course people who teach yoga with no formal certification whatsoever, and though it might be difficult for these teachers to get liability insurance, there’s nothing illegal about it. Keep in mind that yoga is a spiritual tradition thousands of years old, and the idea of giving someone a certificate for learning a few poses and breathing techniques would have been an odd idea indeed even seventy years ago. It is one thing to wake up one morning and decide to teach yoga with little to no experience. It is quite another to teach after living for years under the tutelage of a master yogi who just doesn’t believe in certificates.
As a general rule, seek out yoga teachers with at the very least 200 hours of training. In the United States there’s an organization called the Yoga Alliance that offers a registry of teachers who attended training programs that meet certain standards. Someone can have the Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) designation from the Yoga Alliance and still be a crummy teacher, but usually RYTs are a safe bet.
4. Look into additional costs of the yoga class.
Sometimes there are additional costs involved in taking a beginner’s yoga class besides the registration fee. You may need to buy your own yoga mat, strap, or other props, for instance. In some classes you may need to buy certain books for study or even special clothing of a certain color.
It is important to know what the related costs are up front so that you and your bank account won’t encounter any surprises later on.
I hope this checklist will help you find a beginner’s yoga class that’s right for you.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Styles of Yoga for Beginners
Read on to find out more about yoga, its different types and yoga tips for beginners by Yoga Classes.
Yoga for Beginners, Anyone?
If you see a room full of individuals undergoing advanced yoga classes, you might be intimidated at the complicated poses that they make. This is the reason why there is a different set of poses and exercises which are meant for beginners in yoga.
Basically, a beginner's class in yoga will give you a preview of what the discipline is all about. Probably the only thing that you need is a yoga mat and a willingness to learn about the yoga basics.
Different Strokes for Different Folks: 11 Types of Yoga
After graduating from beginner's yoga, there are different paths that you can pursue. Take a look at the 9 different types of yoga that you can consider studying:
1.Ananda - this type of yoga focuses more on meditation techniques.
2.Anusara - the thrust of the yogic exercises involved in Anusara Yoga is oriented towards the heart.
3.Ashtanga - also known as the power of yoga, Ashtanga follows a series of steps and poses which are vigorous and quite athletic.
4.Bikram - this is also known as Fire Yoga or Hot Yoga, a style of yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury which practiced in a heated and humidified room.
5.Integral Yoga - this type of yoga focuses on the healing power of relaxation.
6.Iyngar - the center of study in this type of yoga is symmetry and alignment.
7.Kripalu - this style of yogic exercises deals with the 'yoga of consciousness'.
8.Kundalini - the focus of this style of yoga is to awaken one's energy.
9.Sivanada - if you want to live a healthier lifestyle, this is the style of yoga to go for.
10.Tantra - ideal for couples, this type of yoga deals with sensual spirituality.
11.Viniyoga - focuses on a gentle flow of the energies within the mind, body and spirit.
No matter which type of yogic exercises it is that you will go for, they all seek to create that delicate balance between the body, the mind and the spirit.
Yoga Meditation Benefits
Yoga is the technique of performing exercises under a certain set of rules along with a synchronized controlling of breath and meditation. Benefits of yoga are immense and you would come to know about them when you are actually carrying out the exercises on a regular basis with Yoga Classes. It will help you to get rid of the stresses of urban complex life and enhance the quality of life. The benefits of Yoga also include the process of anti-aging. The aging of the body is actually an auto-intoxication or self poisoning. By proper yoga you would be able to purify your mind and soul and lower down the rate of aging.
The following are the benefits of yoga.
Physiological Benefits
Yoga helps to keep the body disease free. Many fatal and painful diseases can be healed by performing various postures of yoga. Since yoga deals with the concept of controlling of breath, the attacks of asthma can be reduced to a great extent without consuming drugs. The practice of pranayama with simple postures is highly useful in getting rid of asthma.
With the aid of proper breathing techniques one can get cured from severe respiratory ailments as well. The alternate exercise and relaxation along with perfect yogic breathing would also help you reduce the level of hypertension and controlling of the blood pressure level.
You will also be able to bring control over physical pain with the help of yoga. The working out and relaxation of the muscles calm down the breathing and one feels stress free. The area of the sensation of pain in the brain regulates the spinal chord to secrete natural pain killers that manages the intensity of pain efficiently. Other physical ailments like back pain, arthritis and such can be cured by yoga. Yoga can also be an effective method of weight regulation.
Psychological Benefits
The psychological benefits include attaining of mental calmness and clarity of mind. Yogic exercises would help you in self-awareness and assessment of your both physical and psychological balance level. You will be able to overcome the feeling of anxiety and depression.
Studies have also revealed that yoga increases the concentration capacity of the brain. In fact the practice of breathing in through one nostril and breathing out of the other actually helps to build up a link between the two parts of the brain, the left and the right.
Through the art of yoga you are also able to direct the usage of your vital energy of you body and soul towards the right way.
Yoga also helps you to attain spiritual enlightenment. You will learn to dominate your sense of pride and encourage your willingness to acquire knowledge.
Some of the things you can do!!
The Prema Shanti Yoga and Meditation Retreat Centre offers you the Yoga Classes & opportunity to both enjoy all the wonders of the worlds oldest rainforest, the Daintree rainforest, snorkel or scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef, or to simply relax, and do as little as possible, the choice is yours, some of the options available to you are…
Day Spa
and Massage
relax and unwind with a rejuvenating and revitalizing massage and spa treatment, allowing yourself the ultimate in pampering indulgence.
Horse Riding Adventures:
enjoy the excitement of riding horses through the unspoilt beauty of the worlds oldest rainforest, suitable for beginners through to experienced horse riders
Daintree Entomological Museum
this museum features the largest collection of rare and exotic butterflies and beetles in Australia: from the giant dragonfly of the Daintree rainforest to some of the worlds most beautiful insects.
Noah Valley Mountain Treks
has been set up to cater to people interested in experiencing the untouched ancient rainforest that you only get to see high in the mountains. Learn about native remedies and bush tucker from the informative local guide.
Jungle Surfing Canopy Tours
takes you on a unique rainforest tour where your feet don’t touch the ground. Fly through the air on flying fox zip lines stopping at five tree platforms to get a birds eye view over the rainforest, and out to the Great Barrier reef.
Rum Runner Sailing Catamaran scuba diving and snorkeling adventures
, allows you to experience the wonders of the Great Barrier reef with their highly trained team to ensure you a safe and memorable day, visiting Mackay and Undine reefs.
Ocean Safari Adventures
takes you on an exhilarating ride from the shores of the rainforest to snorkel the spectacular Great Barrier Reef in only 25mins.
The Great Barrier Reef.
Just 45 minutes off shore from Cape Tribulation is the World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef. This is the only place in the world where two World Heritage areas exist side-by-side. These coral reefs are unchanged by human interference and shelter myriad of fishes, anemones, corals and sea-ferns.
Only 5 minutes drive from Prema Shanti Yoga and Meditation Retreat Centre to beautiful white secluded beaches. Picture perfect white sandy beaches fringing the tropical rain forest and just off shore, where you can snorkel and scuba dive among the coral reefs.
World Heritage Listed Rainforest.
The Cape Tribulation section of the Daintree is one of the most ancient and primitive rain forests in the world, dating back 135 million years. It is well worth taking a guided tour into the rainforest, iin order that you can appreciate what you are seeing. These rain forests were listed on the World Heritage List in 1988.
Look out for the elusive Southern Cassowary. An endangered species, the Southern Cassowary grows to 2 meters tall and can weigh 85 kilograms. The Daintree rainforest is a prime location for spotting these elusive creatures.
Cooper Creek Wilderness.
If you want to see the best of the Daintree Rainforest, come to Cooper Creek Wilderness - the sacred heart of the 135-million year old living museum. Explore the rainforest's secrets with an experienced local expert. Tours provide exclusive experiences away from mass tourism and boardwalks. Only Cooper Creek Wilderness can guide you through World Heritage Rainforest on a natural trail.
Daintree Rainforest River Trains.
Enjoy the wildlife of the World Heritage Daintree River aboard the world's only floating river train - a first in eco tourism. Choose a 1hr or 1.5 hr river cruise, and then the guided mangrove rainforest boardwalk on private riverfront property with free refreshments. TWO Naturalist Guides on every trip to double your wildlife spotting experience. Departs Daintree River Ferry Crossing. Booking essential.
Daintree Discovery Center.
The #1 eco-tourism attraction in the Daintree Rainforest. Outstanding interpretive displays, interactive kiosks, a fantastic new Aerial Walkway, Canopy Tower, Cassowary Circuit, Bush Tucker Trail, DVD theatre, library, coffee shop. Take a self-guided audio tour through unspoiled, pristine rainforest in comfort and safety. Enjoy the 45 page Interpretive Guide book.
Cape Tribulation Sea Kayaking Tours.
Kayak around magnificent Cape Tribulation headland, experience an eco friendly guided mangrove walk and sample tropical gourmet refreshments, including fresh coconuts. No experience necessary, all equipment provided, free transfers from Cape Tribulation area, with both morning and afternoon trips. Sea kayak hire also available